Partnership between the consulting company Data Privacy Professionals (France) and the legal practice/firm Meron-Campagne (France, Belgium)

Partnership between the consulting company Data Privacy Professionals and the legal practice/firm Meron-Campagne regarding GDRP and data privacy matters
The consulting company Data Privacy Professionals based in Strasbourg (France) and the legal practice/firm Meron-Campagne based in Paris (France) and Brussels (Belgium) are pleased to announce that from the 24th September 2018 that they will be working together/ in partnership on the management of personal data. This is in accordance with the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation which came into force on May 25th 2018. They will both be bringing their particular area of expertise to this project.
The actors in the partnership
The consulting company Data Privacy Professionals
Data Privacy Professionals is a consulting company based in the Strasbourg area specializes in the challenges linked to personal data. The company was created in 2017 and one of its missions is to expand into the international market. Its CEO is bilingual in English and has experience of working with both American and British companies.
Its consultants are members of the iapp and of the AFCDP.
The service is a comprehensive one extending from an audit of the company’s data to training on how to be compliant with GDPR, editing/ rewriting of contracts and other legal documents. We also support the organization whilst it puts into place the changes required by the legislation whether they be companies, government bodies, partnerships, sole practitioners, start ups or charities. However, this support is not just in the legal sphere as we also assist with resolving technical and operational problems. The company can also act as the external Data Protection Officer (DPO).
The Law firm Meron-Campagne
The law firm Meron-Campagne is based in Paris (France) and Brussels (Belgium) and specializes amongst other things in all the legal aspects linked to personal data. The firm Meron-Campagne can assist in all issues which require a specialized legal knowledge in particular the editing and updating of contracts so that they conform to the GDPR.
The law firm Meron-Campagne gives legal advice and accompanies Start Ups, chief executive officers, sole practitioners and associations in all legal aspects relating to their business enterprises such as contract law, protection of personal data, intellectual property, commercial law, company law, inheritance/probate law, company transfers and litigation.
Mrs. Meron-Campagne is the founder and director of the firm Meron-Campagne, she is a member of AFCDP and is registered as the legal delegate for the Protection of Personal Data with the Paris Bar. She is also an associate and a member of the counsel of administration of the network Avocap 2.2 a structure which has grouped together 246 lawyers from 144 independent law firms. Mrs. Meron-Campagne hosts the commission “Business Law” as well as the organization Avocat Digital. Within the framework of “ateliers d’Avocap” her firm organized in 2018 a cycle of training concerning the new legislation entitled ”Protection of personal data in law firms”.
Why did we partner up?
The two companies wanted to be able to offer a made to measure service for their clients in the new arena of data privacy by combining their combined expertise and vast knowledge they are able to do just that.
Over the last two years the management of personal information has undergone considerable change because of the enactment of the European legislation (GDPR) which came into force on May 25th 2018 (following a period of grace of two years). All enterprises have to conform to this new legislation. In reality many enterprises have not yet put this legislation at the heart of their businesses. This could be to their financial detriment in the future.
Moreover, GDPR is just the first step in the field of conformity to data privacy, soon there will a revision of the European ePrivacy directive which will modify the practices linked to ecommerce. This will have a big impact.
In order to respond well and correctly to these evolutions a holistic approach is necessary covering legal expertise, operational savoir faire (program management) an expert knowledge of new techniques and technologies (computers, algorithms, maths, digital marketing ) and the new business models (selling of services).
To this already complex model it is necessary to add that certain subsidiaries of companies are present in several counties and could be subject to European data privacy legislation for example HIPPA in the health domain in the USA.
The partnership between Data Privacy Professionals and the legal firm of Meron-Campagne allows each one of actors to bring his or her savoir faire in respect of the services they offer. These are dovetailed together to ensure a made to measure service for the client. The two enterprises are also complimentary in view of their geographical situation. We are able to cover the whole of France and consider other institutions outside of France because of good connections from the French and European capitals respectively (Paris and Strasbourg).
Dr. Pascal THISSE
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Data Privacy Professionals
Pascal who is a graduate engineer holds a PhD in Geophysics and a Masters in Entrepreneurship.
It is with great pleasure that after six months preliminary discussions that Data Privacy Professionals partnered up with the law firm Meron-Campagne. These discussions enabled us both to understand the skills and knowledge the other brought to the market and hence enhance the services offered by the two enterprises.
Our different professional backgrounds enable us to bring competences to our clients. For my part I have a background in dealing with multinationals in many different countries and am native level in English and German. Marianna complements this picture with her entrepreneurial spirit tempered by her very human qualities which allow for an agreeable and relaxed atmosphere during negotiations. I am really happy that we have entered into this partnership and would recommend the services of her law firm to everyone.
Marianna Meron-Campagne
Founder and manager of the law firm Meron-Campagne
I am delighted to announce the signing of the partnership between Data Privacy Professionals and my law firm. This partnership will allow us to unite the competences of the two structures which will allow our clients to benefit from a well thought out response which is crafted to correspond to their precise need and conforms with the applicable legislation.
This step for me is indispensible if we want to propose high quality made to measure solutions to our clients and then accompany them on their journey. We will be there for them when they put into place the required procedures to avoid unwanted legal implications, in the planning of commercial, industrial or computer-related interventions.
The negotiation of this partnership was made easier by Pascal’s professionalism, thoroughness and willingness to listen to ideas.
The next step: the DPO and the European ePrivacy directive
The next step as part of our working partnership the two enterprises will be to offer an external DPO (Data Privacy Officer) to our clients. The job of DPO has been created recently by GDPR.
Before the introduction of GDPR the precursor to this post in France was the CIL. However, the job of CIL has evolved because of the additional skills required in the areas of techniques/technologies, operations and management. Germany is a little bit luckier than France in that before the coming into force of the GDPR on May 25th 2018 the federal law in Germany on the subject of personal information already imposed the nomination of a Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragter for numerous enterprises where the responsibilities of this job were very similar to that of the DPO.
The IAPP foresaw before the introduction of GDPR that 75,000 DPOs would need to be nominated. Many enterprises do not possess the competences themselves to deal with the implications of GDPR and therefore, need to turn to external experts in the field such as Data Privacy Professionals and the firm Meron-Campagne.
The DPO will also be required to prepare for any gaps that are there in a company’s procedures when the European ePrivacy directive comes into force and it is envisaged that this will at the end of 2019. The scope concerns amongst other electronic communications and the activities of e-Commerce. Bridging this gap can be painless. The partnership between Data Privacy Professionals and the law firm Meron-Campagne will be there to give an effective and flawless performance for those enterprises who are affected by this directive.